Давайте рассмотрим реальность и фантазию Сайтама и города Каваго!
Let's explore the reality and fantasy of Saitama and Kawagoe City!
Let's explore the reality and fantasy of Saitama and Kawagoe City!
A 2D exploration type RPG traveling in a world with Japan's Saitama prefecture as motif!
No gachas! No social functions! No online game functions!
●◇●◇ About Saitama City ◇●◇●
Located in the north side of Tokyo, Saitama City is one of the most populous city in Japan with a population of 1.28 million. Десять административных округов были созданы в городах, назначенных правительством, которые родились в результате слияния четырех городов в период с 2003 по 2005 год.
Хотя иногда его высмеивают как «не иметь ничего, есть его особенности» или как «хромой сатама», это регион, полный очень долгих источников и туристических ресурсов.
●◇●◇ Features ◇●◇●
• A story with both cities' facilities, folktales, industries, etc. as its motifs.
• A simple and easy-to-understand field with only two arrow keys and two buttons.
• A smooth, 4 command input formula battle system.
• An abundant conversation event stories.
●◇●◇ Story ◇●◇●
In this "world" made up of ten countries, there was a peaceful and prosperous era over 200 years. И когда история и традиции теряются из -за воспоминаний людей, монстры стали жестокими, а в разных местах происходят различные неожиданные изменения. Священник великого храма Ледяной реки, который считал, что ситуация была ужасной, приказал необычное расследование к храме, которая лучше из Святого Духа…
And Loussier meets a boy in the northern kingdom.
●◇●◇ GPS Communication ◇●◇●
By actually visiting the places specified in the game and connect your GPS through this app, you will be able to get "Primrose Flowers".
You can exchange Primrose Flowers with powerful items and weapons in-game.
The specified places are a variety of stone monuments, shrines and temples, public facilities, etc., where their stories are not yet well known.
Please enjoy this local visit as a trigger to deepen your interest and understanding of the city.
In addition, we will acquire your location information with this function.
Please follow message display in the app, and use it after agreeing to obtain position information.
●◇●◇ Billing ◇●◇●
Although the game is free-to-play, there are some purchasable items in-game that can help you advance in the game more favorably.
1. Orb of Blessings
【1 piece / 120 yen (up to 5 pieces)】
• An Item for receiving the "Blessing of the Holy Spirit" which strengthens your characters.
• The status increase during level-up increases, and all weapons and armors can be equipped.
2. Ability Rubies
【15 pieces / 120 yen (up to 45 pieces)】
• An item that grants special abilities to characters.
• Various abilities such as "Double experience" and "Attack Power + 30%" can be equipped.
3. Game place Coins
【200,000 coins / 480 yen (can be purchased only once)】
• You can exchange these coins for powerful weapons and items.
Хотя вы можете закончить игру, не купив что -либо, если вы приобретете пакет [ORB × 5 + Ruby × 15/480 иен], вы сможете насладиться игрой в полной мере.
● ◇ ● ◇ New game with take over ◇ ● ◇ ●
After clearing the game, you can start the game again from the beginning but with all of your previous status and items. When you restart the application after clearing the main part of the game, the button "New game with take over" will appear on the start screen.
Даже если вы уже очистили игру, обратите внимание, что «новая игра с взятием» не будет отображаться, если вы снова не очистите игру с последней версией.
● ◇ ● ◇ Other ◇ ● ◇ ●
Saitama City New Business Award 2015, Business Plan Award
• Saitama Prefecture Management Innovation Plan Approved Project
• The story of the game is fiction. It has nothing to do with real people and groups.